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1 year masters programs in canada, USA ,UK  for international students 2023

Your route to that dream career in the legal profession begins here
Before you apply:
Please note it is not possible to return to an incomplete application.  We advise that you check the requirements listed below before starting the process.
We take data security extremely seriously, so we use enhanced protection throughout the application process.
Applications will be reviewed by Trustees at monthly meetings so expect to receive news on your application up to 45 days after submitting.  This includes the typical time for your references to respond to us as we do not review applications without references.
Due to the volume of applications please note we cannot enter any correspondence regarding incomplete applications or Trustee decisions.
To be considered for financial assistance from the AS Foundation, you must satisfy the following criteria:


You need to be in the United Kingdom, planning a career as a solicitor in England or Wales

Be over 18 years old on the day of your application

Have attended a state school and the first generation of your family to attend University OR

Have received a scholarship or bursary because of your family income/social mobility status OR

Consider yourself to be from a low-income background OR

Received free school meals aged 11-16 due to financial hardship OR

Have spent time in local authority care OR

Have been a refugee OR

Been in paid employment during your A-levels for 20+ hours per week OR

Been in paid employment during your undergraduate degree for 10+ hours per week.

You must also:

Be currently on, or have a place confirmed at, a part time or full time undergraduate or postgraduate course

Demonstrate a firm commitment to pursuing a career as a solicitor

Masters programs in canada for international



The scholarship offers a £5,000 amount, to help you with your studies


Please read the eligibility criteria and make sure that you provide everything that is necessary for us to process your application.

Due to the volume of applications please note we cannot enter any correspondence regarding incomplete applications or Trustee decisions.

You will need to tell us why you need the grant and demonstrate your personal commitment to a career in law. The Trustees will look at your commitment and evidence that you have attempted to improve your financial situation. So, for example, if you have taken a part-time job, it is a good idea to include this information.

Where an application relates to a Law Firm event or experience and the relevant Law Firm is not providing expenses, we may request a copy of the email or letter confirming the applicant has a place. The email or letter must be made available from the Law Firm and/or an organisation acting for the Law Firm.

Trustees require applicants to have a minimum 2.1 degree to qualify for a part funded scholarship at BPP University.  They will  grant a maximum of £5,000 towards a part funded scholarship and require confirmation you have sufficient funds to be enrolled on the relevant course.

If you are a student, we will request confirmation from your named reference, on headed paper, or a University/College email address.

If you are planning to become a student, we may request, later, evidence that you have been offered a place on a course.


Trustees require one professional and one academic reference. A professional reference should be from a Manager or Supervisor from a paid or voluntary position who is not a family member or friend.  Where possible a reference should be provided from their professional email. 

Academic references should be from a Tutor or member of staff who is involved in pastoral care and from a paid or voluntary position who is not a family member or friend.  A reference will only be accepted from their academic institution email.

Full contact details of referees must be provided, including a contact telephone number as we may contact them to clarify details.

Your referee will need to respond to our requests including stating how long they have known you for and confirm that the circumstances on which you are applying are correct.

Your application will not be processed until Trustees are satisfied with your references.


You must provide your referees with the information you plan to put into your application.  These details will include evidencing your commitment to a career in law and why you believe you deserve a grant. 


Living expenses e.g. including but not limited to rent, bills, childcare;

Costs for things that have already been paid for;

Gap year or overseas projects

Non-personal expenditure, such as a community project

Medical treatment

Any type of business start-up regardless of whether it is associated with the legal profession

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